On the Pill

And so it begins again….chemotherapy.  Today I began my new treatment regiment as my Xeloda finally arrived in the mail this morning.  I didn’t waste much time in taking it.  It will be a completely oral treatment which lends to the freedom of our current lifestyle.  I’m grateful that my doctor understands what I’m doing, that she is supportive of my decision to travel.

However, this process will not be without some obstacles.  First, I will have to find a lab enroute to have blood work completed.  Next, my medication has to be mailed to me and being on the road, we have to figure out where to have the meds sent.  Also, I need to make sure the doctor is sending in the prescription in a timely manner so I can stay on my schedule.Finally, I won’t be able to go into the doctor immediately if needed.  Fortunately, I have my doctor’s cell number so I can keep in touch with her that way and keep her up-to-date on my progress.

Believe it or not, it is difficult for me to identify my feelings.  I am so nonchalant about my disease and treatment most of the time.  Honestly, I’m not happy to be back on a chemotherapy nor did I ever really want to take this path again.  I would love to be on a completely homeopathic treatment as I’m concerned what kind of damage I’m subjecting my body to.  I attempt to combine western medicine with natural remedies.   My faith in God helps to ease the fears that may creep up. 

I feel more anxiety anticipating the side effects of this medication.  Although I have a history of tolerating my treatment well, that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer from the side effects.  One of the side effects of Xeloda is a skin rash of bright red on the palms and soles of the feet and the skin can crack.  My doctor indicated it can be quite painful.  This is probably the side effect I am most concerned about.  I’m also hoping I don’t experience a lot of fatigue, because frankly, that could interfere with our travels and sightseeing.

On the upside today, Al and I took a nice walk with the dogs along Lake Michigan.  Then my friend Micki had a colleague give me a facial and Micki treated me to a massage.  We wrapped up the evening eating pizza and watching The Voice.  Not a bad way to end the day.  

6 thoughts on “On the Pill”

  1. I know this is not the path you wanted to take but I am glad to see you are not giving in to this disease. I hope your side effects are very minimal and that your journey continues so I can keep dreaming of seeing the beautiful places you guys are. Love you very much and I am always here if you need.

  2. Sandra E Cunningham

    I’m glad you don’t have to fly back and forth for treatment, but be sure to keep tabs on any side effects. Love and miss all of you.

  3. I am glad that your doctor is working with you! I have so many feelings that I can’t lend a voice too yet. I never wanted you to have to face chemo again.

    Love you Lady!

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