Museum Surfing

If you become bored in D.C., frankly, you are not trying. Your options are utterly endless when it comes to things to see and do in the Capital city and the surrounding area. From battlefields to monuments to museums, this is a great place to brush up on your history and facts. For the last two weeks we made our way to several museums. Free admission to most of the museums is a perk!

We saw the National Air and Space Museum, the Holocaust Museum, the Museum of the Bible (entrance fee), and the Smithsonian Castle; however, there are many others we just do not have time to explore. We also visited the National Archives Museum, viewing our country’s founding documents: an original Magna Carta dated to 1297, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, no photos were permitted.

Today we ventured to the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. This Smithsonian museum is essentially an extension of the National Air and Space Museum and is the only museum in which I took pictures. They boast an exceptional collection of early 20th century and World War I aircraft, many of which are the only surviving planes of that kind. The famous Enola Gay is housed here as is the Space Shuttle Discovery. These are just a few of the highlights and it is museum worth a visit.

Smithsonian Castle
Model used as the alien spaceship from Close Encounter of the Third Kind
Seaplane that was at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

2 thoughts on “Museum Surfing”

  1. Sandra E Cunningham

    I saw a smaller version of the plane that Al is standing by, at Wright Patterson Air Base. Or something like it anyway.

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