Central Florida

We returned to Florida on December 31 from visiting the family for the holidays. We spent the remainder of the day resting up. Needless-to-say, our New Year’s Eve was uneventful! That is okay, because we spent a week away from the puppies and the idea of leaving them alone for several more hours did not set well with us.

On New Year’s Day, we headed to a local sports bar to watch NCAA Football. Al is a Michigan fan (they did not fair well against ‘Bama) and I am an Oregon Duck fan. The Ducks had much better luck so it was a good day for me. We indulged a bit, eating bar food and having a few drinks, of which we never do. It was a good time.

January 2 found us visiting the Kennedy Space Center. My husband loves anything space related. He still dreams of traveling to outer space. Maybe he will get his wish yet with two companies trying to begin civilian travel at about $250k a head! Do not expect to spend an hour or two; this is an all day trip. Second shuttle seen: check!

Space Shuttle Atlantis
Saturn V rocket

Friday afternoon we took a drive down the coast and walked the beach. It was a short stop as Cody (the dog) snapped at another dog. In Cody’s defense, who was on his leash and minding his own business, the other little dog came running up to him (he was off lead) and obviously, invaded his territory. Cody was being protective. Of course, we are the b*holes for bringing an aggressive dog to the beach. Apparently, he did slightly injure the other dog. We opted to leave at this point as we did not need to get into any other predicaments.

It was a beautiful day and in the lower 80’s. Not bad for early January! The rest of our afternoon was spent reading and having dinner. We did see a small flock of egrets on our way home.

Finally, Saturday was a bit more relaxed. I made an attempt to visit a Farmer’s Market, but there was only four cars selling goods. I passed. Al and I begin the Daniel Fast Sunday, therefore, a stop at the grocery store and food prep took up part of my day. It was a little cooler (70’s) and rained off and on in the afternoon. With that said, I decided to blog while the laundry was washing and Al continued to diligently read his Stephen King book. It is playoff season, so I had to watch football!

I took a quick walk before the rain began again. I spotted wild boars, but could not snap a photo fast enough before they headed into the foliage. As the sun was setting, God painted the sky with a small rainbow and pastel pinks. What a beautiful way to end the afternoon.

Things I’m not very fond of in Florida: the humidity and the No See-em’s. I have little bites all over my ankles and my arms. They are as bad as mosquitoes. This is life on the road. Not always a big adventure, but we are blessed to experience something new everyday.

2 thoughts on “Central Florida”

  1. Life on the road…..experiencing something new! Sounds nice. Happy you are getting variety, including relaxation, time to read, time to walk, nice scenery. Love you and continued prayers! XOXO

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