
Wow! Where has the time gone? It has been two weeks since my last post. I admit, I have been a little lazy when it comes to accessing my computer and being motivated to blog. In my defense, we have taken a few excursions away from the trailer during this time. One of these excursions led us to Savannah, GA.

We bypassed Savannah on our way to Florida and it is a city I have always wanted to visit; therefore, I talked the hubby into some back tracking. I was very excited to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the country and enjoy part of the rich history. First, I booked a bed and breakfast in the heart of the historic district. The Forsyth Park Inn sits across the street from the Forsyth Park. The hospitality was superb and the atmosphere quaint. Wine and appetizers were served at 5 p.m. and desserts provided later in the evening. Breakfast was prepared fresh for each guest and they even accommodated my dietary needs.

Our bedroom door!

Only having one night in Savannah, we spent the entire time in the historic district. Dating back to the 1700’s, a trolley tour is a great way to take in the history of the city. Bull Street runs from Forsyth Park to the river, crossing through several of the 22 squares. Each square is unique in design and theme. They are wonderful spaces to enjoy the outdoors and beauty of the city. Stunning homes, boozgeois boutiques, fabulous eateries and churches of several denominations litter the neighborhoods. The pace is slow and relaxed in Savannah. Sit back, have a drink and enjoy the southern lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “Slo-vannah”

    1. It really is. I told the big guy if he could find a job where we could afford one of the homes in the historic district (about $2 million} we could get a vacation home there!!!

  1. Catching up on reading your blogs Brandee, loving you describing your travels and the pictures are fantastic!! Some of your blogs are heartbreaking, some are wonderful, but I am always keeping you in my prayers, and our church is praying for you too. Love you big bunches sweetie, and give your sweet hubby a hug from us too.

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