The Power of Water

One of my favorite places to be is at the ocean. The smell of the air. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore. The sight of vastness of water as it drops off in the horizon. I was blessed as a child growing up within an hour drive of the coast of which we spent much of our time. My grandparents owned cabins in Yachats, Oregon and the family visited at least monthly. I have fond memories of my cousins and myself wading in the cold water, drawing in the sand or looking for seashells. Whenever I visit my home state, I make an effort to make an excursion to the coast.

As I love to travel, I find it exciting to be able to see the other oceans of the world and check that off my bucklist. Since we have set out on our trip, we have been able to stop along the Atlantic in several places. We have seen the ocean along the east seaboard all the way from Massachusetts to Atlantic City to Charleston and the Florida Keys. Most recently, we spent time in the Gulf of Mexico enjoying the beautiful beaches. And if you can catch the perfect sunset, count yourself as blessed. As I sit and watch the waves crest, I am humbled by one of God’s greatest creations.

Even the dogs loved the water!
Atlantic City
Florida Keys

1 thought on “The Power of Water”

  1. Sandra E Cunningham

    I feel so blessed to know that your early childhood has wonderful memories at the coast. It was all part of my childhood also. I wanted my children to have that awesome experience of growing up with that love of the ocean and the mountains. To appreciate what God had given us.

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