Curve Ball

What do you do when life throws you a curve ball? You swing. You play the game. It seems like 2020 has been throwing curve balls left and right. Three weeks ago, we were thrown a ball out in left field. Upon departing an RV park, we drove into a low-hanging branch and damaged the front of our fifth wheel. CRUNCH! I contacted our insurance company who immediately provided the names of several RV repair shops in the San Antonio area (as we had made it this far on the trip).

We selected a repair shop in Pipe Creek, Texas. After two weeks, the estimate was submitted to insurance at which time they had to come and complete an assessment. We were sitting on pins and needles awaiting the reply to learn if the insurance company would agre to fix the vehicle or total it. And yes, that was a valid concern. Thankfully, they agreed to fix it! Unfortunately, it will take 4-6 weeks for all the parts to arrive and the work to be completed.

As you may expect, we did not necessarily plan to spend most of our summer in Texas. We really had hoped to be making our way across the southwest by now. But God had other plans for us apparently. We do not know why we were derailed, but our situation is not made any better by crying over spilled milk. So, one must make the best of his or her circumstances. Worse things could have happened. We are okay and no one was hurt. Our trailer is even livable (of which we are doing until the shop is ready to repair it). We have been slightly inconvenienced. By remaining open and flexible, who knows what amazing adventures await for us in Texas Hill Country? Tomorrow, maybe a day at Boerne Lake kayaking, swimming and fishing!

Oh yeah, Texas has hills! We were surprised to learn this too. Here’s to new and exciting experiences.

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