Staying Busy

Part of the reason for my inconsistent posting is because we have not been very active for the last several months after arriving in Texas.  I feel I do not have very much to say or share.  Our day-to-day lives are not as adventurous as one may believe!  We spend a lot of our time hanging around the trailer and watching TV, surfing the web, reading, or doing minor “home” repairs to the trailer.  We space out our excursions as it helps break up the time.  Within the last week, we have managed to stay fairly busy which was a nice change of pace.

First, we started our Sunday morning by enjoying a short hike with my parents in the Hill Country Natural Area.  This was the first time we took them as it has been too hot to spend much time outside, but there was a slight break in the weather so we took advantage of it.  Afterward, we went out for Sunday Brunch and browsed some of the local shops in Bandera.

Our next adventure has been on my list to do since we arrived in the area three months ago.  It took a little arm twisting and reassurance to my father there were no gar fish, gators or cottonmouth, but I finally talked the family into floating the Guadalupe River!  We shared a lot of laughs compliments mostly of my father.  First, when Dad tried to sit in his tube, he flipped over backward and ended up in the river!  Due to the level of the river, we found ourselves high-centered and stuck on rocks.  My husband, mother and myself were able to dislodge fairly easily, but my poor father was another story.  He resembled a beached whale trying to return to the ocean; attempting to bounce his way loose.  He did it though!  Some other folks on the water told my mother they had more fun just watching my dad.  We all really had a fun time and they even discussed doing it again. 

The following afternoon we decided to wander old town Boerne.  Founded in 1846 by German immigrants, it has grown but has managed to keep its small town charm and feel.  The Hauptstrasse (Main Street) is lined with shops, boutiques, antique stores and various restaurants.  After strolling in the heat, the boys enjoyed a beer streetside and then we found a candy store where we bought pretzels and milkshakes.  We lounged in the city park enjoying our treats before heading back home.

On Saturday we attempted to visit a firing range and do a little shooting.  Due to crowding and being out of ammunition, we postponed that until Tuesday.  Anytime the guys can shoot their guns is a good day.  And watching mother fire a weapon is always good for a chuckle.  Again, we enjoyed our day and it was pleasant to get out of the trailer.

3 thoughts on “Staying Busy”

  1. Sandra E Cunningham

    We had such a great time and yes, I would so like to do it again. Well, it’s almost Feb. so time to head out your way again…………….maybe go tubing again??

  2. Thanks for the laughs on this blog! I can just picture your Dad struggling ( and your Mom laughing at his attempts) So glad you were able to spend this time with them. ❤❤❤

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