Bear Lodge

When we get to see our country’s landmarks, monuments or parks, I get a little excited.  I really enjoy history, so I find visiting such places quite fascinating. Today, we visited the Nation’s first National Monument, Devil’s Tower.  It was quite magnificent to say the least.  This giant stack sitting by itself.  We walked the circumference of the monument.  It was so peaceful and awe inspiring.   

As you might guess, Native Americans hold this place in high regard and sacred.  Their history goes back 10,000 years. There are two controversial issues that seem to be ongoing.  First, that of the name.  The natives refer to the stack as Bear Lodge and would like the name changed back.  The other issue has to do with people climbing the monument.  Again, due to the natives believing this is a sacred place, they do not want people climbing it.   I believe the natives have valid points.  I found this information quite interesting.  

1 thought on “Bear Lodge”

  1. What an awe inspiring place! It looks incredible and must continue to be protected and respected for very important reasons. I’m sure some of the holiness was absorbed by you! Take each moment and savor it. May happiness and peace surround you on your journeys. Take care!

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