A Quiet Ride

We had a rather quiet ride yesterday on our drive, but not for a good reason. We departed the Traverse City area and not too far into the road trip, the hubby made a wrong turn. He then turned up another road that seemed more remote and I overreacted to a degree. I was not sure why he made the decision he had, but I get concerned when we are towing a 35 foot trailer. I just do not want to get in a situation where we are unable to turn around or we have to drive miles out of our way. Needless-to-say, I had an attitude and rendered a swear word under my breath because, frankly, I was annoyed about the situation.

This rubbed him the wrong way and he made it very clear to me that it did by raising his voice at me. I was ‘pissing’ him off he informed me. We sat silent for the next several hours. It wasn’t until later in the evening that we discussed the situation. He reminded me that it was just a wrong turn, there was nothing to become so upset over, that it will all work out, and who knows, our wrong turn just might lead us to something greater.

Although I don’t appreciate being yelled at and feel he overreacted as well, he is right. I’m not sure why I allow myself to get so upset in situations like this. Part of it might be because I feel he is not listening to me when I give him directions. He’s not doing as I want him to do (yep, I want everything my way). I need to learn to let go, relax and just go with the flow a little more. We’ve had this discussion once before and I admitted to him that I really expect a lot from him because I see him as rarely making mistakes.

When you are with someone nearly 24/7 it is inevitable that you are bound to touch a nerve on occasion. I need to learn to be more patient, give him respect and trust his driving. He’s more sensitive than I think. While he needs to work on his anger and think through his decisions before executing them. Communication, love and respect are key. So there you have it, this trip isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. but at the end of the day, we are best friends and we work through it.

3 thoughts on “A Quiet Ride”

  1. Very well said and your truth is part if what’s in every relationship. If we always had rainbows and Unicorns there would be no excitement, no room for improvement and no place if elevation!!
    Love you!


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