
Faith and Endurance

In light of what is happening in the world today, the passage I came across in my Bible study today called to me to share. We are scared, some are struggling financially more so than before, we are pointing fingers and calling names, others are panicking and buying all the TP in the stores, while …

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Five Years Ago

April 3, 2015 was not only my nephew’s birthday, but the day I received my current diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. The phone call came while I was at work and my heart just sank. It has been five years and I’m still alive and kicking! The average survival rate of a patient with MBC …

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I am a member of several Facebook cancer pages. A topic that is commonly shared is that which I would describe as self-pity. “Why me?” “This is so unfair.” I get that the ‘C’ word invokes fear as it immediately produces thoughts of death. I won’t lie and say I have never felt saddened at …

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Still Waiting

It has been more than a week since we saw the doctor to discuss treatment options; unfortunately, we are still waiting. In order to qualify for the trial drug, my HER2 (protein genes) numbers had to be rechecked which meant testing my pathology from a lung biopsy I had about two years ago. Apparently, these …

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Having expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. We arrived in Houston on February 12 and my first appointment for MD Anderson was scheduled on February 13. I met with my new doctor and he informed me more tests will need to be completed before a treatment plan is discussed. I was told to plan …

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Wow! Where has the time gone? It has been two weeks since my last post. I admit, I have been a little lazy when it comes to accessing my computer and being motivated to blog. In my defense, we have taken a few excursions away from the trailer during this time. One of these excursions …

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