
Lately, I have noticed I have been struggling with feeling tired more frequently. I am completing my third round of my Xeloda and so far, the only side effect I am experiencing is fatigue. I have been quite lucky that some of the other ugly side effects have not set in, so I shouldn’t complain too much. Around 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon, I begin to “crash” and find it difficult to stay awake; especially, if we are driving. It seems to come on fairly quickly. All of a sudden, I can barely keep my eyes open and I just want to sleep. If we have been out for the day like hiking or sightseeing in one of the cities, then it really begins to hit me hard and I slow down. My breathing has also become a bit more labored, which tends to increase when I become so tired.

I find it frustrating and inconvenient. One, if we are driving, I am usually the navigator so I really need to remain awake. Two, I don’t want to miss anything! I enjoy sightseeing and taking in the views of the countryside. Third, I have things to do, places to see, things to experience and I don’t want my being tired to stop me. Fourth, I don’t want to ‘give in’ to my disease and that includes the side effects of my medication and my treatment. I am determined to fight against it to prove that I am strong and will overcome.

Today was a good day. After spending the afternoon walking around the National Mall in Washington, D.C., I felt pretty good and didn’t seem too tired this evening. God is good and I am grateful that today I did better.

By-the-way, this is the reason I have not posted as much lately.

5 thoughts on “Can’t…Stay…Awake”

  1. Shondell Begnaud

    Just don’t push yourself to hard. Sorry just a mama thing lol. I do love your blogs and posts. I’m so glad that your are side effects are pretty minimal. Continue to be strong!! Love you ♥️

    1. Thank you Shon. Trying to stay strong for not just myself, but for anyone out there that needs a little inspiration and hope.

  2. I can’t imagine. I feel the same way and I have none of the same stuff you have going on. Pace yourself and take your time! <3

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