
We have been staying near our nation’s capitol for the last week. We have kept ourselves pretty busy as there is so much to see in the area. Our focus has mainly been in the city, but there are numerous options outside D.C. in both Maryland and Virginia. It is almost endless. And if you are a history buff, this is definitely a place you need to visit. This is my second trip to D.C. and Al’s first.

Arlington National Cemetery

Our first day in the area we decided to visit Arlington National Cemetery. We stopped at JFK’s Eternal Flame, paid our respect to the Unknown Soldiers, wandered the grounds in search of other well-known grave sites and finally, we located the resting place of my Great Aunt. It is a humbling and moving visit and reminds me of all those that have given their lives for our freedoms.


Then there are all the monuments and points of interest in Washington. The Marine Corp (a.k.a. Iwo Jima) Memorial pays tribute to 200 years of service by the Corp. As you look up to the six men pushing up the flag, you can see the determination in their eyes and sense their strength.

My father served in Vietnam, so I feel a draw to this memorial. I look at the 58,000+ names and think of how easily my father could have found a place on the wall, how many of his comrades are listed here, and how senseless our presence was in this country. The wall is a very somber place and invokes many emotions for me even though I was a toddler when the “conflict” ended. They are all worthy of our respect whether you agree with are participation or not.

The Lincoln Memorial is a moving place. Inscribed on the walls are the Gettysburg Address and one of his Inaugural speeches. Such an eloquent speaker, he instills in each of us at all men have the right of freedom and liberty. As he sits before me, I see a man weighed down with the burden of Civil War and what was at stake for the Union.

2 thoughts on “D.C.”

  1. Sandra E Cunningham

    When the traveling wall for Vietnam was here your dad found a couple of his buddies on there. It was hard for him to see that, you could tell.

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