Eating on the Road

The last several years, I have tried to eat fairly healthy; however, since we set out on the road trip six months ago, our eating habits have fallen by the wayside. Both of us have put on a few extra inches that we really do not need. And it is so easy to do so if you are not being vigilant with your eating habits. I have never really been one for eating out much, but since we started our trip, we eat out almost daily.

My idea was to pack lunches or we would be eating at the trailer. It has not really worked out like I planned. I start off in the morning with a fairly healthy breakfast: 2 eggs and fruit. Unfortunately, all too often, we leave for sightseeing after noon and are hungry by the time we arrive at our destination. Fast food is quick and easy and tends to be our fallback. Dinner is hit or miss if we eat out or I feel like cooking when we get home. Again, I attempt to make it healthy, but sometimes dinner might just be a couple of hotdogs or my favorite, Cocoa Puffs!

We both have been on a junk food kick lately. Things like potato chips, oreo cookies, and soda pop make our way into the cupboard. I did make my first batch of chocolate chip cookies a few weeks ago. Took me a little bit to figure out the oven, but they turned out pretty good. Of course, I had them gone in a few short days.

Now part of the travel experience is to sample local cuisine. I think that is just fine to live a little and taste new dishes. Go for it I say! We sampled the Mac-n-Cheese in Minnesota, pasty’s in Michigan, the clam chowder in Boston (the best) and Philly steak sandwiches in Philadelphia. And one just has to stop at iconic bakeries and restaurants like Mike’s Pastry in Boston. We overdid it there!

Don’t be shy. If you are in New England, sample the lobster. When in the Lowcountry, eat Lowcountry cooking. Food is the heart of many cultures and tells us so much about the people and the region. Be open to experiencing new things. And what a wonderful way to bond with the locals.

Oh, and it is so tempting to wander through the little stores or farmer’s markets and be tempted to buy all of the artisan goods and fresh produce. I found this scrumptious peanut butter in Door County, WI. Expensive, but worth every smooth, buttery taste.

As the new year begins, I plan on ‘detoxing’ and getting us back on track with eating a healthier diet. Eliminating the junk and fast food is a must. But I will continue to enjoy life and spoil myself once-in-awhile (moderation is key). And definitely sampling the local dishes will remain part of the journey!

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