
Having expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. We arrived in Houston on February 12 and my first appointment for MD Anderson was scheduled on February 13. I met with my new doctor and he informed me more tests will need to be completed before a treatment plan is discussed. I was told to plan for three to five days for my first visit; therefore, I ‘EXPECTED’ that any tests I would need to complete would have been scheduled prior to my arrival. I was wrong. They were not able to schedule me until a week later to begin the scans needed.

Needless-to-say, that immediately extended our stay in the area an extra week. Luckily, for us, that isn’t an issue since we have no place to be. However, for other patients who reserve flights for specific days based on the initial information or if they had to return to work within a certain time frame, that could cause problems. Anyways, I also ‘EXPECTED’ my new doctor to understand our lifestyle and to be more supportive. He is not. He has made it adamantly clear that we will need to remain in the local area while I am undergoing treatment. This puts a damper on my travel plans for sure.

They were able to schedule me immediately to have one of my lungs drained which has greatly helped my breathing. My CT scan, Echo cardiogram and bone scan was completed last Friday and yesterday.

Today we visited with my doctor again to discuss the findings. As ‘EXPECTED’ my disease has progressed. He is recommending me for a clinical trial, however, they need to run more pathology tests to confirm that I qualify. If I do not, I will be placed on a standard of care chemotherapy. So I was ‘EXPECTING’ to be able to start my new treatment regime right away.

Disappointingly, I cannot, as I have an infection in my lungs that will need to be treated prior to my starting treatment. This may delay treatment by two to three weeks. The lesson for these two weeks, is to not have any expectations. Remain flexible. Be patient. Admittedly, I am feeling a little anxious regarding the delay because I feel I’m running out of time. My disease is progressing fairly quickly and I hate the thought of needing to wait any longer.

Father God, I trust in you and the plan you have for me. It is in your hands. Ease my anxiety and grant me strength. Amen

10 thoughts on “Expectations”

  1. Brandee,

    We continue to pray. Both Deb & I, and all our group members. I know how tough you are and the drive you have to fight this. Keep up the fight, but have patience. I guess you can do some intense exploration of East Texas. We love you & Al, and we are on your cheering team.


    1. Thank you Wes. I appreciate that you two and the group continue to keep us in your prayers. We will be exploring this side of the state a little more for sure!

  2. Oh how expectations can steer us to sadness. We must learn to divert at all costs. I love this blog because it makes me think about things a little differently. I will follow and share with others. You are an inspiration!

    1. Diana,
      Thank you for following and reading. I pray you gain inspiration and strength from my blogs to continue to fight your own health issues.

  3. Expectations I find often come from to doers of the world.
    We expect it because it’s what would make sense and what we would do. I know this is a trying time and I’m so anxious just to read it. I hope while you are waiting you can enjoy pockets of time and travel little bits. I hope you get into the trial and that it WORKS!

    1. Thank you Melissa. We will try to take advantage of our stay here and really get to know the Houston area and East Texas. In the meantime, I am trying to lay my expectations to rest and remind myself it is in God’s hands.

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