Family Matters Most

I spoke with my doctor in November and learned that my tumor marker had increased. My husband and I had toyed with the idea of doing something different for Christmas such as taking a cruise. But after the news of my tumor marker, I felt it was important to spend the holiday with my loved ones. As much as I love to travel and this trip is important to us, family is even more important.

Off to St. Albert, Alberta Canada we headed on Christmas Eve to spend the holiday with my youngest son and his family. We had a very nice visit with the kids. Our youngest grandchild wanted to sleep with grandma and grandpa. When he woke Christmas morning at 7:15, he grabbed my watch and asked if it was wake-up time! My son surprised me with with a tattoo in my honor. It made me tear up. Our oldest grandson played what he’s learning on the guitar. The second oldest liked his new quilt grandma made him.

After a short stay in the Great White North, we departed for Oregon to spend a few days with my parents and brother. There we did do something out of the ordinary; we stayed two nights in Central Oregon at an AirBnB. My husband, brother and myself spent Saturday on the slopes of Mt. Bachelor. In the evenings, we sought out good food and night life. Again, we had a very nice time just being with each other and making memories.

By December, my prognosis worsened with my tumor marker increasing significantly and my tumors grew. With that said, I am even more thankful we made the decision to come home for Christmas. We have been blessed with a large support system, both in family and friends.

I don’t know how many more Christmas’ I have, but I want to make the most of my time. Spending time with my sons, grandchildren, parents and siblings is imperative to my mental health. Sadly, many out there battle this disease alone. I pray for you and encourage you to seek out some sort of support system. Make amends if you need to. “Family” can come in all forms, so be open to letting people in. Remember, you are loved. Have faith in our Heavenly Father.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “Family Matters Most”

  1. If you dont already know…I am your family too!
    Each morning when I am praying, you and Al are also on my heart to pray for. I am the one that has truly been blessed to call you my friend and as we both know..HE sent you at one of my lowest points in life and you pushed me forward! You have made your mark in the hearts of many and we walk with you and pray for you!!
    I love you Brandee!!

    1. You MOST definitely are part of our family. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I just wish we were closer to spend more time together. We look forward to seeing you later this month as we make our way toward Atlanta. You have been such a blessing in my life and I thank you for keeping us in your prayers. God is good!

  2. Very true that we can and should make family where we can. Sometimes we do not have family near by. But, there are always people nearby. Make them brotherly and sisterly friends as Wes and I feel we have with Al and yourself. Thank you for the memories of group, the MX Mission, many stories, prayers and love. We are always here for both of you…… Love and Blessings, Wes and Deborah

    1. Thank you Deb. We miss you all so much. You guys were part of our extended family for sure. As you said, if one isn’t blessed with bio family, make you family. Friends are just as much our family as our bio family.

  3. My friend,
    I keep you in my daily prayers, & I read your blog in awe wondering where you & your hubby will visit next. You made such an impact in our WoW group in a short time, & I know wherever you go you continue to share your faith & belief in God’s plan for your life. You shine your light for All to see. 🙌🏻 Your family pics made me smile, as I know the Joy that this Christmas brought to you. You leave a part of You everywhere you go, Brandee, & I thank God our paths crossed. Praying as you continue to share your story with that forever beautiful smile on your face.
    Love you,

    1. Thank you so much Jody. I definitely miss you ladies. I had hoped to see you all this last month, but my doctor’s appointment ran late. We are enjoying the trip and look forward to wait lay ahead. God bless my friend.

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