Five Years Ago

April 3, 2015 was not only my nephew’s birthday, but the day I received my current diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. The phone call came while I was at work and my heart just sank. It has been five years and I’m still alive and kicking! The average survival rate of a patient with MBC after diagnosis is three years and a 5-year survival rate is 27%; I have beaten those odds.

What is contributing to my survival rate? I have had doctors that won’t give up and keep trying different treatment protocols in order to prolong my life. I am now on my sixth course of treatment since 2015. Thankfully, I handle my treatments well and some of them have helped slow down the progression of the disease. But, alas, none of them are cures or work long-term. Other things that I believe that have factored in are remaining relatively healthy, keeping a positive attitude, holding onto my faith, and sheer luck.

It is strange, because my cancer drives my life in more ways than not. I live differently because of my disease. However, I often “forget” I’m suppose to be sick because frankly, I don’t feel like I have cancer. People ask me all the time, “How do you feel?” I believe that people are expecting me to feel bad, sick or in pain. I’m not really sure. It is a misconception that a person with cancer must experience these things. Thankfully, by the grace of God, I have very few residual side effects that cause me discomfort. Maybe someday, I will suffer from more debilitating side effects, but today, I feel fine. I am good. I am resilient. And I pray it is God’s will that I will see another five years.

6 thoughts on “Five Years Ago”

  1. WoW, Brandee! That IS a huge accomplishment & makes my heart smile! YOU amaze everyone you meet, & I know God has a plan for you to continue to touch more women who battle this crummy disease.

    Here’s to another 5 years, a cure, & many more to come.
    Love you friend. Jody

  2. Brandee, I admire you for so many reasons. I am so glad I met you and we got to know one another. You are Wonder Woman in my eyes. Keep feeling fabulous and being fabulous. All my love, Kim

    1. Kimmy, you are such a blessing in my life as well. I can always count on your love and support. Thank you for being so loyal and faithful. God bless

  3. Deborah J Dart

    You are totally awesome. We miss you so much. We loved seeing you and Al almost every Wednesday for about six (?) years. What a beautiful couple you are and great addition to the bible study group. We consider you a part of us still, even though you are on the road. Our prayers and love remain constant for the two of you. Much love and blessings, Wes and Deb

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