No Day of Rest

Not everyday is full of adventure and sightseeing.  Today was one of those days.  We tend to get up around 8 a.m. and I immediately walk the dogs.  Upon returning home, it began to rain.  It was relaxing to hear the rain pitter patter on top of the trailer, so much so, Al took a nap!  I surfed the computer and finally had my eggs around 11 a.m.

This is our home now and like any other home, requires regular housekeeping.  I completed a number of chores today while Al worked on greasing the axles of the trailer, until he realized the grease was seeping into the brakes on one of the tires.  His three hour chore turned into a nine hour project.  Poor guy. 

I met Debbie, a bagger, at the commissary today.  While walking out to the truck she asked if I had had cancer.  Debbie disclosed that she too is a survivor. Gratefully, she has remained cancer free but she keeps her disease and experience private.  It was an honor that she opened up to me. 

We had a short conversation about diagnosis and on-going treatment.  She asked to keep in touch and I was glad to provide my contact information as well as direct her to follow this blog. God bless Debbie and all those who have or are battling this disease. 

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