Rain, Rain, Go Away

The last couple of days we’ve been traveling in the rain.  Until now, the good Lord has blessed us with very nice weather (aside from Edmonton, Canada).  Our luck could not have held out forever.  With the wet weather, comes new obstacles.

First, driving a 35 foot RV in the wind and rain is stressful.  I give Al credit because he’s done a great job keep the rig on the road and us safe.  Second, exercising the dogs.  They require walking on a regular basis and we cannot just open the door to let them out. We try to take turns taking them out which is only fair but it kind of sucks to traipse through the rain.  Unfortunately, the walks tend to be short. 

Finally, keeping the trailer clean is an endless job.  When the dogs walk, they kick water and mud up under their bellies and all over their legs so we have to wipe them off when they come in.  Of course, all of us are guilty of tracking in dirt and the wet.  I don’t have enough old towels to keep the house and the dogs clean.  I have placed a bucket next to the door for us to drop our dirty and wet shoes in when we come through the door.  I hope this will help a little.  Oh well, it is part of the adventure!  

Dirty towels just from today!

1 thought on “Rain, Rain, Go Away”

  1. Sandra E Cunningham

    Looks like the towels we keep by our front door. Yes, it’s a pain sometimes but Max now knows to come in and roll over on his back so we can wipe his feet. He even does that on nice days…….haha

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