Still Waiting

It has been more than a week since we saw the doctor to discuss treatment options; unfortunately, we are still waiting. In order to qualify for the trial drug, my HER2 (protein genes) numbers had to be rechecked which meant testing my pathology from a lung biopsy I had about two years ago. Apparently, these are the results we are pending in order to move forward. Needless-to-say, I am apprehensive and anxious to begin a treatment. The longer I wait, the worse I feel I am getting. I cannot buy back time and that saddens me.

With that said, we have much more time on our hands now. So what better way to fill that gap but through activities and exercise. I have encouraged my parents to join us for walks and hikes to which they have gladly accepted our invitation. It is great to see them getting out and enjoying our time together.

One of the treasures of MDA that I discovered are the educational programs and activities they offer to both the patient and caregiver. With all this time on my hands, I decided to jump on board and take advantage of as many as possible. Yesterday I participated in ‘Get Moving’ which incorporates yoga, dance and martial arts. But what makes exercising better? When you have a workout buddy! Mom joined me for yoga this morning. It was her first attempt at yoga and she did great. My body really needed it.

Furthermore, yoga is wonderful for one’s mental well-being. MDA is actually conducting research on the therapeutic benefits of yoga. They find an overall increase in energy level, longevity, flexibility, mood endorphins and a decrease in depression and anxiety. I am already signed up for classes next week. Namaste!

3 thoughts on “Still Waiting”

  1. Namaste, my friend. I’m glad you are jumping into all that is being offered to you. Good news. I’m glad to hear your parents are still hanging out with you guys. You can play a lot of cards with four people. We’re all praying for you and Al. You are always in my thoughts. Love, Kim

  2. So sorry you are having to endure waiting on your treatment, but it is so great to see that you are filling your time with fun activities and really awesome that your Mom and Dad are joining you and getting some exercise! I’m sure by the time they get back home, your Mom will have all kinds of different things she will want me to participate in to get me moving too, which I desperately need. I love you all so very much and am continuing to pray for God’s will in your healing. ❤❤❤

    1. Well I can’t say I wouldn’t discourage her from coaxing you out and about! Thank you for your continued prayers

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