The Hassle of Treatment

When we decided to set out on our trip, one of the biggest questions we had to answer was how will we handle my treatments?  What obstacles will we have to overcome?  What type of treatment will I require?  Will this be plausible?  Al was more worried than I to be honest.  Frankly, I didn’t care.  I was determined that we were going to go on this trip and would not allow my treatment to get in the way.  I have to put faith in God that he will take care of those details.  

My doctor is trying to work my treatment around our new lifestyle.  Presently, I have to return to Las Vegas each month for my injection or a scan.  Honestly, this is not ideal as it is a bit inconvenient and costly.  Luckily, she is looking at changing my regiment and placing me on a complete oral treatment.  I would not have to return to Las Vegas as often (I know some of you will miss seeing me). 

It is a hassle to stop where we are at and for me to fly to Vegas.  Al has to wait around for me to return.  Today I was struggling with my options.  From where should I depart?  Can we make it to my selected departure city on time without missing a bunch of sights in-between?  Doctor wants me to start a new drug, so can I return right away or do I have to stay longer?  Should I just cancel the damn appointment and find a new doctor in Michigan (this doesn’t really fix any longer term issue)?  Needless-to-say, I was beginning to stress myself out.  I finally just said a little prayer and remembered to turn it over to God.  It will all work out the way it should.  

Fingers crossed that the new treatment plan (all oral) will be more accommodating to our schedule and pocketbook.  Cancer treatment is a pain in the a$$  (literally for me!!). 

6 thoughts on “The Hassle of Treatment”

  1. Hey Love
    God orders our steps before we even put one foot in front of the other. HE has a plan for you!
    is your phone number still the same? if so please check the text message I sent to you.
    if it’s a different number, please let me know

    love ya
    valerie hall

    1. Thank you for doing this Brandee. How ironic that I was just talking about you last night when this all came through. Funny how those thinks seem to happen in this psychic world. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures. I will let you know how the Golden Knights are doing!!! We were all at T-Mobile last night for a review and the ice is officially down to start the season. Brandee did you know that the escalator is 87 feet in length going up to the upper con and takes 60 seconds to go up it. A few trivia games we payed last night. Give my best to Al and happy travels as always.


  2. Brandee you will get a kick out of this. another COOL point we learned. Did you know during hockey they HAVE to keep the temperature in the building between 58-62. Anything higher than that they will get fined $1,000 per degree per game! They said usually when we arrived, remember how cold it was in the building prior to doors, the temperature is set around 50 before all the body heat comes in. No wonder I needed to wear gloves at first before warming up!! Take care.

  3. I knew only part of that which was the 58-62, but I didn’t know they would get fined. I always wondered if it was colder than that when we first came it, but that makes sense!

  4. I did wonder about your treatment plan, yet after knowing you for even a short time, I knew you’d figure it all out…somehow! God has You in the palm of His hand. ♥️

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