Throwing It Down

The cancer card that is. This is something I try to avoid doing because I certainly am not looking for any handouts or sympathy. I’ll admit, I have taken advantage of my “disability” when I had to go to the DMV. Let’s all be honest, who wants to sit and wait at the DMV for 3 hours?!

But here is the thing, my cancer diagnosis is as much a part of me now as the color of my eyes. My disease drives most of my decisions; therefore, I cannot avoid but disclosing my health status once I start a conversation.

My willingness to talk about my disease and my journey could help another. If I have the opportunity to educate others regarding this disease, I am going to take it. Could I inspire just one person with my story? Than it is worth it. I can demonstrate my resilience and strength to others and my faith in my Heavenly Father. I believe that is my purpose and God’s will.

This week I returned to Las Vegas to have my blood work drawn and another PET scan completed. I attended a Vegas Golden Knights hockey game. For those not aware, I worked at the arena for the first two seasons and made some wonderful friends in both my colleagues and my season ticket holders. Many wanted to know where I had been and why I am back. Again, my window of opportunity is opened. Most people I spoke with were not aware of my health issues (I hide it well!) and were surprised to learn of my illness. But I was blessed with just that much more support. Two of the guests, Patty and Robb, went out of their way to bring me some alternate treatment information the following day. How amazing is that?

As it turns out, my results show continued disease progression. My tumor marker has risen significantly and the lesions in my lungs and on my liver have all grown in size. I am frustrated more than anything. I will cease taking the chemo pills I started in September. Our next course of action is to contact MD Anderson in Houston to see if I can be treated at that facility. They are one of the top in the nation. Oh my crazy life!

4 thoughts on “Throwing It Down”

  1. Brandee. So good seeing you. Sad to read about your evaluated markers. Yet you belief in our maker warms my soul. Your strength is influencing me to make some major decisions in what we discussed. I care for you very much and seriously will keep you first and foremost in my prayers. Enjoy this holiday season and bring in the new decade like a storm! Let the light shine bright.

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