What’s in Your Backyard?

Last week, on a Facebook group page I follow, someone commented that she has lived in Utah most of her life but has failed to explore her own state. This got me to thinking. How many of us are guilty of this? I admit, I am. We have lived in several states and have not always taken the opportunity to discover their treasures.

The excuses are endless. First, I believe a lot of us do not value all that our states have to offer. Next, we do not make traveling a priority. Then there is the fact that we just permit life to get in the way. We are always too busy whether it is with work, running errands, ensuring the kids get to their activities or completing household chores. Finally, money can be an issue.

I understand not everyone can jet set around the world or take a cross-country road trip, but you would be surprised to find what is in your own backyard. We do not need a lot of money or a bunch of time to explore our state. Start Googling. Ask friends and family for ideas. Swing by a visitor’s center or a book store for information. Start small and local. There are often free or inexpensive activities or events happening in the community. Look for festivals or off-the-wall museums. I am amazed at the quirky museums we see advertised in the little towns in which we visit.

Maybe you can start by browsing the flea or farmer’s markets, antique stores, outdoor malls or a nursery. If you struggle with mobility issues, search places that are ADA friendly If you live in a state with National Parks, you can purchase an annual pass and visit multiple times within the year. Or buy a state park pass and begin venturing to the numerous state parks.

I highly encourage you to take inventory of your life and determine what is really important. The laundry can wait a few more days. The kids can miss one game. And work will function without you for a day or two. Life is short people. Get out and experience it.

October 2017
Scavenger Hunt in Las Vegas

5 thoughts on “What’s in Your Backyard?”

  1. Very True. Two years ago my nephew Devin got a Nevada State Parks pass that was given to all 5th graders. We hit about 3/4 of the NV state parks. It was lots of fun.

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